The Seven Churches #3 Pergamos

December 28, 2024


The presentation begins with a prayer for humility and understanding as the speaker discusses the significance of the church of Pergamos within the context of the seven churches in Revelation. These churches represent different periods in Christian history, specifically from Christ’s ascension to His second coming.

Overview of the Seven Churches

  • Each of the seven churches has a structured letter that includes:
    • Greeting
    • Identification of Christ
    • Condition of the Church
    • Problem within the Church
    • Counsel from Christ
    • Closing Promise
  • The focus is on the church of Pergamos, located in modern-day Turkey, which marks a significant historical shift in Christianity.

Historical Context of Pergamos

  • Pergamos was an elevated city known for its banking center and a famous temple dedicated to Asclepius, the serpent god of healing.
  • The city was also home to a massive library rivaling that of Alexandria.
  • Historically, Pergamos represents a time when the church became more accepted by society after the Edict of Milan in AD 313, which granted religious liberty and ended persecution.

Identification and Condition of the Church

  • Identification: The letter to Pergamos is introduced by Christ as the one with a “sharp sword with two edges,” symbolizing His authority and the word of God (Revelation 1:16).
  • Condition: The church is commended for holding fast to faith but is living where “Satan’s seat” is, which indicates a significant spiritual challenge.

Problems Faced by Pergamos

  • The church struggles with the teachings of Balaam, who taught Balak to entice Israel into sin (Numbers 25). This refers to a compromise with pagan practices and idolatry.
  • The doctrine of the Nicolaitans, similar to Balaam’s teaching, infiltrated the church, promoting a false sense of freedom from God’s laws.

Call to Repentance

  • The message emphasizes the need for repentance from these practices. The call is made for the church to turn back towards God and away from worldly compromises.

Promises to Overcomers

  • Those who overcome will receive hidden manna, a white stone indicating judgment and acceptance, and a new name representing their new character in Christ (Revelation 2:17).


  • The presentation concludes with a reminder that believers must remain vigilant against false teachings and compromises within the church. The overarching theme is one of repentance and preparation for Christ’s second coming, emphasizing that God offers forgiveness and strength for those who seek it.